About this webinar 

Many of today’s industrial plants are approaching or have passed their originally planned life expectancy. A lifetime of maintenance, upgrades, repairs, retrofits and renovations accumulate to extend the useful life of a structure but introduce ownership and management complexities that pose safety risks and other challenges. While still far from becoming decommissioned or dismantled, these plants remain productive assets and are important to the profitability of the global economy.

Modern renovations bring safer working conditions, more efficient processes, and lower operating costs. As an enabling factor, today’s technology increases the value of renovations through the accurate capture of existing conditions and production of a digitally modeled record.

Take a trip into the field and hear experiences from active Fertilizer and Chemical projects. Attend the webinar and you’ll learn:

• Unique challenges facing scan projects at Plants including the quantity and variety of pipe and steel features
• How EdgeWise is used to speed the transition from existing conditions to an intelligent model
• Best practice data processing and modeling tips to speed your back office workflow

Join Chris Heliotes of IndiviRev and Dave Andrews of Accurate Technologies as they share their best practices for capturing and accelerating piping and steel scan-to-model workflows in case study format.